
LAB Technique

An educational path, a work on oneself, in a group and/or in pairs, to study posture, axis, balance, walking, embellishments, communication, connection, improvisation, the other role and interaction in the surrounding space, with the aim of making one's dance comfortable, musical and elegant. The lessons are thematic, so each lesson exhausts a certain topic.
The TECHNIQUE for WOMEN and TECHNIQUE for MEN course is curated by Leonardo Felix Elias.
12 meetings with pre-established dates to take care of all these aspects and to accommodate some of your proposals.
The meetings will be held on WEDNESDAY from 20:00 to 21:15
DATES: 25 January | 08 • February 22 | 08 • 22 March | 05 • April 19 | 03 • 17 • 31 May | 14 • 28 June

Fill out the Booking Form to obtain the CulturTango Card and participate in the LAB Technique and all CulturTango activities. The card will arrive by e-mail once you have made the payment on site. If you have already filled out the form, you can book directly on WhatsApp CulturTango +39-3474931181 • LEOnardo. Check the dates and/or confirm your attendance if you don't attend CulturTango activities. Go to the CulturTango Calendar Join the Facebook CulturTango a.s.d. gruppo to be updated on all the initiatives. Go to Tango Lessons
If you come by car you can park nearby: blue or white lines. Or, the closest car park is Parking Via Giulia, entrance Via Bravaria, 8 (in front of the Giuseppe Mazzini bridge).

LOCATION of the Courses
CulturTango a.s.d.
Argentine Cultural Center
Lungotevere degli Altoviti, 4 - 00186 Rome
Art. Dir. Leonardo Felix Elias

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Legge 675/96, tutela delle persone e di altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento di dati personali.
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Le "INFO" hanno carattere periodico e sono comunicate individualmente ai singoli interessati. È a cura di CulturTango provvedere ad una spedizione in "copia nascosta" per e-mail o "diffusione" per whatsapp. Ad ogni momento sarà possibile rimuoverti. Grazie!